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Writer's pictureFrances Peters

Another successful Porch Sale!

Updated: Jan 17, 2022

Despite the rainy weather, our April 25 Arts & Crafts On The Porch Sale was a huge success and everyone had a fun time.

Over a dozen local artists and crafters brought their wares to the porch. Shoppers browsed for our hand-made jewelry, as well as art, ceramics, handbags, stained glass, soap, wreaths, yarns, notecards, ornaments, and more! And Claudia of Beach Girl Yarns brought her traveling spinning wheel to demonstrate how the yarns are made.

Here you can see all of our vendors' logos.

Here are some of our volunteers who braved the weather to keep visitors' masks on and the traffic flowing. Eileen Widerman and Linda Kimmel are pictured at the entrance gate, while Sonya Shortkroff and Diane Wells are standing by the bench on the street to issue masks and paper plates (which we provided instead of shopping baskets).

In this picture looking toward the exit, we can see The Roving Felter, Anne Handley and her soaps, and Alwyyne Lamp with her Light Vision Photo Cards. (Yet again, she donated all her proceeds to the Front Porch Beads effort--thanks, Alwynne!)

In the far distance to the left, you can see our checkout team, Barb Amergian (standing) and Annie Duncan (seated). They manned the desk there all day!

And here's a collage of pictures capturing other views of the sale in progress. Lots of fun! And Front Porch Beads raised about $1850 for local charities, so let's do it again soon!!!

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