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Writer's pictureFrances Peters

Caring Dickie Anderson

Updated: 3 hours ago

Published in the Fernandina Observer as "Caring Partnership Brings Two Community Powerhouses Together"

Flyer for “Journey Into the Holidays” Community Market Saturday, November 9

Since 2018, when Front Porch Beads started making and selling jewelry, the group has raised thousands of dollars for a wide variety of community non-profits. What better partner than the Journey Churches’ new outreach Authentic Impact? 

Come find out what is happening at the dynamic Journey Church and get some early holiday shopping done. Saturday, November 9, from 10:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. at the Journey Church campus. Over 30 local vendors will be offering a variety of original handmade goods. Choose from the beautifully crafted jewelry that Front Porch Beads has made a fashion must. Other offerings include handbags, totes, ceramics, wreaths, ceramics, soaps, beeswax candles, and gourmet foods.

Frances Peters, the dynamo behind Front Porch Beads, recently shared her enthusiasm about The Journey Churches’ recent impactful non-profit, Authentic Impact, and its difference in the community. 

Visiting The Journey Church campus, Peters shared, “It is both utterly impressive and infectiously happy...the music plays, volunteers sort food surrounded by huge racks of packaged food and massive cold stores. Volunteers load the trunks of waiting cars. Volunteers wear shirts that say, “WE’RE SO GLAD YOU ARE HERE”. Another volunteer passes out cookies. 

John Sauer heads up the effort. The need for groceries is huge. When first starting, it was 300 boxes a week. Now people queue in the parking lot every Tuesday 9-1 and then 5-7 to receive 1200 food boxes.

No questions asked, no paperwork. Many of the needy are regulars, and volunteers cheerfully greet them by name. Once a month, free haircuts are offered, as well as showers and counseling. Chandler's Hope Clothes Closet offers free clothing. 

The food is donated from grocery stores and other sources and is of the best quality. Volunteers never put anything into a box that they wouldn't take home themselves. Evidently, some local pigs are very well-fed on the rejected groceries!

Saturday’s Community Market offers the community a chance to learn more about Journey Church, and Authentic Impact and do some holiday shopping. Peters shared, “As soon as a few of the Front Porch Beaders saw it, we were determined to raise some funds for them!”

Front Porch Beads has regular workshops that are free and open to all. For more information, visit

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